Friday, January 30, 2009

What To Look For When Buying Exercise Equipment

If you're thinking about buying exercise equipment, it is always best to have some basic knowledge about what to look for. People who don't do a little homework before making a purchase can find themselves regretting their decision very quickly.

The first step in looking for exercise equipment is to decide what type of training you actually want to do. Do you want to build muscle? Do you want to improve your cardiovascular health? Your purchase decision will depend on what you consider to be the most important goal in your quest for health and physical improvement.

Once you decide what your major goal is, then you can research the many options available. If building muscle is your priority, then look for products that will give your entire body a workout and not just one area. Multi-gyms with two or more pieces of exercise equipment connected together can be a good choice if they provide enough variety to exercise all the body parts. The drawback is the amount of space required to do the exercises and the storage ability if it's a stationary unit.

Dumbbells are also a great choice because there are many different exercises you can do that can work all the muscle groups. They can mimic the actual mechanics of movement in real life applications making dumbbells the superior choice when compared to the machine type of exercise equipment.

When looking for cardiovascular types of apparatus, you should consider what you would enjoy doing the most. If you enjoy cycling more than walking or running, then a stationary cycle would be a better choice over a treadmill. They all help to improve your heart health, but the emphasis should be placed on the type of equipment that you feel you will stick with. If you purchase something you don't like doing, chances are your exercise program won't last long.

The type of exercise equipment to stay away from is the fad type of unit. These are the gimmicky pieces that are here today and gone tomorrow. How can you tell which are good and which are future garage sale items? Go to any fitness center or gym and see what they have for equipment. They would not waste their money on cheaply made gimmicks, but equip themselves with tried and true pieces.

Make your purchase decision based on smart research just as fitness centers have. Stay with the type of units and apparatus that have stood the test of time and usage. This will always be your best choice.

The question of how much to spend will come up as a choice between thrift and quality. A thrifty purchase may cost you more in the end by having repair problems from cheaply made materials. Even the usage of the equipment may be a lesson in frustration because it doesn't have proper adjustments to compensate for height, comfort, or the stability of the unit.

If a quality piece of exercise equipment is your choice but the budget restricts you, then look in the newspapers in the classified section. There are people who are selling equipment all the time. Look in the sections under sports equipment or miscellaneous.

Another great place to check out is the fitness centers. Talk to the owners or managers and ask them if they are selling anything or if they know of anyone selling used equipment. Sometimes they have a bulletin board where members put up things they want to sell. You may be able to find a high-end piece at a good price.

You have made a choice to improve your health, physical conditioning and quality of life. Using the guidelines above, thoroughly conduct your research to make sure that the type of exercise equipment you purchase will be a wise choice.

Using an Elliptical Machine to Accomplish Your New Year Resolution For Fitness

Inevitably, each January people all over the world make a new year resolution to get healthy by exercising. While there are many methods for exercising to reach these new fitness goals, the best way is with an elliptical trainer. Offering a fun, low impact workout, these machines can help you keep your new year resolution for health.

The Benefits Of Ellipticals

An elliptical machine allows you to enjoy a full cardiovascular workout from the comfort and safety of home. You won't have to endure cold and rainy weather or dodge careless drivers with the use of these indoor machines. They also provide a low impact fitness workout that is perfect for those with foot, hip, or knee problems who still want a strenuous workout, but who have to keep the risk of injury in mind.

Elliptical trainers also offer a full body workout since the moving handlebars work your upper body while the pedaling works your lower body. By pedaling in reverse, you can even work different muscles that when you pedal forward.

Keep Your New Year Fitness Resolution

When deciding to use an elliptical trainer to keep your new year fitness resolution, keep the following in mind.

• Be Realistic And Go Slow - If you haven't exercised in years, it's unrealistic to expect to use your elliptical machine for an hour every day. Setting unrealistic goals is the fastest way to burn out. However, if you start slow and ease yourself into exercising with elliptical trainers, you'll win in the end.

• Make A Plan - Don't just say you're going to work out, make a plan for when, where, and how you'll work out. Will you work out when you get home from work or will you get up early and jump on your elliptical machine first thing in the morning? Scheduling your workouts will keep you on track for accomplishing your new year fitness resolution.

• It's Okay To Mess Up - Don't think all is lost if you miss a workout or eat a candy bar. It's okay to mess up from time to time as long as you quickly get yourself back on track.

• Set Fitness Goals And Go Further - If you can easily do your half hour ellipticals workout, go further. Exercise longer or up the intensity level or incline so you not only accomplish goals, but also have new goals to reach. Additionally, keep a written record of your successes so you can look back at how far you've come.

• Grab A Friend - It's much more fun to exercise with someone than by yourself, so grab a friend or loved one and head to the gym for a side by side elliptical trainer workout. You will help yourself and you'll help others become more healthy too.

• Reward Yourself - Every time you accomplish a new year fitness resolution, reward yourself. This is a sure way to keep yourself exercising on your elliptical machine. Reward yourself with a shopping spree or a visit to the spa instead of with a sweet treat or other favorite food.

Consider using elliptical trainers to accomplish your new year fitness resolution goals. The benefits these fun and low impact machines offer is sure to keep you on track for accomplishing those goals.

Christine O'Kelly is an author for Smooth Fitness, provider of high quality fitness equipment like elliptical trainers. The quality, value, and innovation of their ellipticals and elliptical machine offerings have made them a top provider for 24 years as they help others to achieve their new year resolution for fitness.